

Terrence Higgins Trust

At Allay, we’re always keen to play our part in the community, regularly contributing positively and actively to worthy local and regional causes. In addition to our company fundraising events and initiatives, we also donate £1,000 every single month to four local charities chosen by some of our dedicated employees at Allay. Read on to find out a little more about Jay and how Allay’s donation will help his charity…

As Senior Finance Officer, Jay is responsible for all of the account’s preparation for the group and other assists other areas in the department where needed.

Jay has chosen to support the Terrence Higgins Trust.

‘This charity supports people of all ages living in the UK who have been affected by HIV. I have close friends who have been diagnosed with HIV, and I have seen the direct and indirect effect it has. The Trust has service centres up and down the country.’

‘They will fight the stigma around HIV, provide free testing kits to stop further infections around the UK and provide support to people who have been diagnosed.’

Not only did Jay win employee of the month, but he also became an AAT Accountant and Winning AAT Member of The Year 2019! We congratulated jay and asked about his plans for the future.
Jay confessed. ‘When I was a kid I would say ‘I want to work in administration’, but now I am older I’ve raised my ambitions! I am in the process of starting my own accountancy practise! I would love for my business to win Practice of The Year – so hopefully this will be achieved at some point in my life.